
DATANET has more than 30 years of ex­peri­en­ce in suc­cess­ful pro­gram­ming and ser­vi­ces for large-size cor­po­ra­te cu­sto­mers with in­ter­na­tion­al approach and has an ex­ten­sive ex­per­ience in te­le­com­mu­ni­ca­tion in­dus­try (soft­ware, ser­vice, con­sul­ting).
We are Europe's lar­gest dis­tri­bu­tor of TEM so­lu­tions for large cus­tom­ers. Our core bu­si­ness areas include in­di­vidual soft­ware solutions, billing data pro­cess­ing and pro­ject ma­nage­ment for complex tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tions ar­chi­tec­tur­es.

Digitization of business processes

Our focus is on services for billing, manag­ing and opti­miz­ing of tele­commu­nica­tion and IT con­tracts including con­comi­tant con­sulting and pro­gramming services. We offer customer indi­vidual solutions for process­ing of elec­tronic invoic­es based on the company own CT-plat­form. This includes the qualified vali­dation of invoices and auto­mized cost-allo­cated booking of costs and consump­tions.
DATANET processes for their customers more than 10 million invoices per month (very granular validation, re­rating / re­billing, source-related cost allocation, auto­mated accounting, detailed reporting system). More than 8 million tele­commu­nication contracts are managed (fixed and mobile). In addi­tion, DATANET processes costs and con­sump­tions for a number of inter­national data networks (e.g. MPLS), M2M cellular con­nec­tions and large PBX systems net­works.
Along with this DATANET pro­vides a cor­res­pon­ding contract manage­ment plat­form. Electronic orders, changes and cancel­lations can be handled in a complete B2B dialog proce­dure. These services are rounded off by a report­ing portal with multi­faceted possibili­ties for evaluation and ana­lysis of use, cost, procure­ment, moni­toring of SLAs, asset manage­ment, history manage­ment of contracts, orders and devices on the basis of a detailed right / role concept.
The typically requested TEM solutions for tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tions are subset of DATANET services. CT extends TEM with further services in the areas of accounting, controlling and contract manage­ment. In addition to it our services can be fully integrated into existing customer IT infrastructure and related processes.

CT Platform

The greatly charac­terized book­keeping services will be com­pleted by the contract manage­ment and ordering platform. Thus DATANET offers customers the possibility for continuous contract moni­toring to optimi­zation and simu­lation, not only for the tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tions sector, but also for the processing of almost all services that are billed on the basis of a structured pricing model (energy, water, leases, fuel cards , RZ-‌cost allocation, central­ized printer ....).
A major advantage of the CT modules is the inter­operat­ability and connect­ivity/ inte­gration directly to SAP systems (e.g. FI/CO, SRM) via standardized and/ or customer specific inter­faces. As a result the processed orders and the invoice and usage data which include the source-‌related cost allocation will be trans­ferred to the accounting systems.
Accordingly CT can be accessed world­wide via standard web-‌browsers by a secured https connection in accordance with state-‌of-‌the-‌art security and autho­rization mechanisms. The system allows access by multiple clients and for multiple user roles and prevents from unautho­rized usage through certificate based encryption and password protected user accounts. The number of user accounts is unlimited. Alternative it is also possible to manage the user access with Single-‌Sign-‌On (SSO).

Safety Certification

DATANET has implemented an Information-‌Security-‌Management-‌System (ISMS) for data processing veri­fied by the certi­fication that it fulfils the require­ments of the norm ISO / IEC 27001. The ISMS of DATANET is certified by DQS GmbH and is checked regularly by external audits. The ISMS also fulfills the require­ments of the BSI standards 200-1 to 200-3 so that the ISO 27001 certificate on the base of IT basic pro­tection was issued by the Federal Office for Infor­mation Security (BSI). In the ISMS the proce­dures and rules are defined to control, monitor and improve the information security continuously.
All processes in context of the rerating, ordering and reporting services of DATANET are testified according to the Inter­national Standard on Assurance Engage­ments (ISAE) 3402 by BDO AG.