Our CT-‌service plat­form is used to manage, process, cross charge and report all activities related to tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tion connec­tions and IT cost allo­cation. It can also be used to manage, process, cross charges and report all other tariff- and price model-‌based activities of a company (fuel cards, leasing contracts, procure­ment and manage­ment of other IT technical assets such as PCs + notebooks, network-‌based print-/ fax- and photo­copier devices).Also, our platform consists of various modules, which can be used inde­pendently depending on the scope of service and customer specific require­ments.
  • Fully web-based access via common web browser
  • Extensive authorization concept
  • Full representation of all organizational units of a company up to the end users (no limit in the number of levels)
  • Complete mapping of all accounting units of a company
  • No limitation in the number of users
  • User administration and admin control belongs to the customer
  • Automated exchange of master data with the current systems

Contract Management
(Modul CTO)

Assessment, Utilization and Use of Assets and Tele­phony Communi­cations.

Invoice data process­ing
(Modul CTR)

Evaluate, utilize and use the compressed work - completely individually.

Reporting / Evaluations (Modul CTR+)

The clearly simple solution, e.g. to manage your fleet in seconds.